Nearly 2 years ago (already???) I posted a scan of a Tabby Anderson slide I had won on eBay -- the image was by the auction seller as I didn't have a slide scanner...
Well! My old HP flatbed finally died, and I am now in the possession of a wonderful new Epson Perfection V500 -- with slide attachment and color & scratch filters! WooHoo! Take a look, fellas -- a little better than before, huh? (And with the part in his hair now on the correct side!)

Update 7/15! Thanks to Gary for this cleaned-up look at Tabby!
Beautiful pic. Looks way better than the original scan!
yes really beautiful pic, a perfect wallpaper for my iMac :)
I have to tip my cap to your own artistry, my dear Alan, because you are, in a very meaningful way, collaborating with Bob Mizer on bringing the imposing beauty of Tabby Anderson to the world, or at least the segment that admires beautiful, built men and the photographers that dared to portray them back when it was actually dangerous to do so! As you noted a bit up the page, it's 40 years since Stonewall, so what a way to celebrate! Thanks!
Alan, did you ever receive that cleaned up version I sent a couple of weeks ago to your email address? Just wondering! grdens
Tabby was one of the models who posed for full frontal nudes with various photographers before it was legal. Mostly,these photos were made and sold to "special customers. It was very risky, if these photos ever got into the wrong hands, the photographer and model could be arrested.
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