I've been browsing through the Tim-in-Vermont vintage paysite tonight when I was stopped in my tracks by this big bruiser, found in an issue of "Tomorrow's Man." Probably his one-and-only moment in the sun, now firmly lodged in my heart 51 years later...
"An impressive physique indeed has Walt Cummings, 24, who can boast a 49" chest, near 18" arms, 26" thighs. He is a 6-footer, weighs 205. Photo by Jon Arnt."
I needed to alter the name of my blog for http://yvanoblog.blogspot.com /
Yet another 'Beefcake' hunk to whom you've introduced me, at least visually, dear sir! The photo beautifully captures his rugged beauty and air of total confidence. Thanks for sharing it, and additionally featuring more of the work of Jon Arnt.
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