Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Don Fuller by Kris

Update 7/15! Thanks to Owen for pointing out that this is actually a Kris photo taken on the AMG roof!
Bob Mizer,
Chuck Renslow,
Don Fuller,
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Walt Cummings by Jon Arnt

I've been browsing through the Tim-in-Vermont vintage paysite tonight when I was stopped in my tracks by this big bruiser, found in an issue of "Tomorrow's Man." Probably his one-and-only moment in the sun, now firmly lodged in my heart 51 years later...
"An impressive physique indeed has Walt Cummings, 24, who can boast a 49" chest, near 18" arms, 26" thighs. He is a 6-footer, weighs 205. Photo by Jon Arnt."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Muscle Beach muscler -- by AMG?

And here's my only other physique slide -- I won this at about the same time as the Tabby, and I'm going to throw an AMG attribution on it as it has the same slide mount design (though I know that really doesn't count too much). He came out a little bit softer, but still very nice -- does anybody recognize him?
Tabby Anderson by AMG

Nearly 2 years ago (already???) I posted a scan of a Tabby Anderson slide I had won on eBay -- the image was by the auction seller as I didn't have a slide scanner...
Well! My old HP flatbed finally died, and I am now in the possession of a wonderful new Epson Perfection V500 -- with slide attachment and color & scratch filters! WooHoo! Take a look, fellas -- a little better than before, huh? (And with the part in his hair now on the correct side!)

Update 7/15! Thanks to Gary for this cleaned-up look at Tabby!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
"Were the World Mine"
I just watched this and really enjoyed it -- in a nutshell, the gay version of "High School Muscial" by way of "A Midsummer's Night Dream" -- cute story, cute guys, fun music -- give it a try!
Visit the official site
Buy it! -- and help support v-m-p!

Monday, June 15, 2009
John Smith by Russ Warner

Mr. Smith pushes my buttons on so many levels it isn't funny, but #1 on the list has to be his sticky-out ears -- so unbelievably sexy!
Hard to believe, but these photos are at least 58 years old...
In Living Color,
John Smith,
Russ Warner,
Your Physique
Jerry Sullivan, in the altogether

While Jerry did work with Bruce and AMG and even Avery Willard (sporting a great biker look!), this photo is by none of these studios. I believe this one falls into the DSI category, a publishing company whose history I have not been able to fathom, other than a prime mover and shaker for them was photographer J. Brian.
Whatever! Let's just drink him in, shall we?
Dick Dene by Bruce of LA

Color shots of Mr. Dene are rare as hen's teeth, so this was a wonderful surprise find tonight. Who knew he liked pink? ;-)
Bruce Bellas,
Bruce of LA,
Dick Dene,
In Living Color
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Gable Boudreaux by AMG
blog-o-matic #2 - IVAN no Blog

The web is a wonderful thing -- bringing people from around the world together, language barriers be damned! The other day I received a very nice present from Ivan in Brazil of three PowerPoint presentations focused nearly completely on vintage images. They are too large for me to embed here, but I have uploaded them to Rapidshare for anyone who'd like to take a look.
Definitely take a few moments and check out Ivan's blog -- in only two months online he has made 384 posts (!!!!) on a wide range of subjects, but mainly on beautiful men. Don't worry if your Portuguese is a bit rusty -- text is at a minimum, and there are always translation programs if a post looks extra-interesting.
Thank you for writing, Ivan -- and keep up the great work!
Ivan's Nostalgia
Ivan's Nostalgia 2
Ivan's Nostalgia 2 part 2
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Don Hawksley by Milo
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