Here are a couple of shots of this blond wonder that didn't appear at the old v-m-p.org site. Thanks to P. for sending me a shot of him the other day and jogging my memory -- I hope you like this upgrade, buddy!
Also included is a drawing by RAW -- Richard A. White -- from some skin mag of the 80s. Looks familiar! A little artistic license used here, but what the heck!
Great Manley!
a real man in a natural state - no shaving or primping
Ah! The Great Scott! Champion often posed him with other models showering or wrestling- usually a brunette. I wondered how those guys didn't get hard in those pix.
What happened to the excellent artist Richard A. White? And what about his body of work? The collection must be somewhere. I have a few of his drawings from the 80s, but cannot seem to find any source for them. Anyone have any info about this artist and his collection of drawings?
Scott looked such a natural jock. A sports setting suited him so well.
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