Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gerald Sullivan

Gerry was photographed by both AMG and Bruce of LA, but this looks like it could almost be a Milo shot. To muddy the attribution waters further, this photo has a DSI code number superimposed in the lower left corner, and was published in DSI's "Rugged" #1.


Big Dude said...

Holy shit is he gorgeous!

Cambria said...

Jerry Sullivan was roommates and friends with fellow AMG model Ron Wallace when they lived in Los Angeles for almost 10 years. In the early 1970s RON decided he wanted to leave California and return to Iowa where he originally came from. Ron lived in Iowa until 2010 when he passed away in a Nursing Home. Jerry left Calfornia about the same time that Ron did and returned to live in the Nashville Tennessee metro area. If anyone knows what happened to Jerry Sullivan after he left California in the early 1970s please contact me here. Thanks, Cambria