Hello there, visitors in Europe!
Here's your last chance to check out the John Palatinus Exhibit -- only two days left to view it at the Cafe des Artistes in Berlin!

There will be a "Finissage" on Friday night, the 14th, hosted by Project Manager Bernd, at which he will be premiering "Palatinus Project - der Film" at 9:00 PM. I'll be seeing Bernd in a few weeks, and I sure hope he'll have a copy of this film for me (hint, hint if you're reading this, buddy!) but it should be a great look at the fun and excitement John tends to create wherever he goes. If it gets an online home, I'll be sure to get it here pronto!
The final day to see the show will be on Saturday, the 15th. Do try to stop by, have some lunch on the sidewalk or a drink in the bar -- the place has wonderful food, healthy-sized drinks and a great staff. Bruno runs a wonderful establishment and made us all feel like we'd been friends for years.

The "European Tour" will be on hiatus for a bit -- but don't fear, I'm sure we'll be back sometime in 2012 -- is London calling? The next stop is going to be in John's home base -- Palm Springs, California -- opening November 5 and running through November 15th at the Savage Gallery. But more on that later...!
Thank you for a wonderful time, Berlin! I hope to come back again soon!